Since 1958, Berean Baptist Church has been standing as a faithful gospel witness in Ogden, Utah and throughout the Wasatch Front. We count it our special privilege to serve the Lord in this area and at this time.
Above all else, we desire to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At Berean Baptist Church, you will find...
A Church that Loves the Word
Preaching takes precedence at Berean Baptist Church. We believe that every message should first be faithful. We believe that each message should communicate God's message to man in the passage being preached. Although we leave room for a variety of styles, the messages at Berean will generally strive to expound the plain meaning of the text and apply it faithfully to the hearer. We believe that passion and fire should accompany sound Biblical preaching. God's preachers should thunder the Word.
A Church that Worships the Lord
We have no desire to entertain the audience, nor will you see or hear a thinly veiled attempt to mimic the world in our worship. When we gather in God's House, we strive to exalt our Savior and King. Too often, men attempt to please themselves in worship. We believe that true worship seeks to give God what He wants, not what we want. Central to our worship is the preaching of God's Word. We also worship the Lord in singing and special music, in the receiving of tithes and offerings and in the ministries and service we do for others.
A Church that Seeks the Lost
In all our ministries, we strive to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have several ministries that especially focus on this task, including our bus ministry and our nursing home ministry. We regularly canvass neighborhoods, inviting guests to church and seeking opportunities to evangelize the lost.
A Church that Stands for Truth
Too many churches cater to the world and the whims of the flesh. Berean Baptist Church remains committed to the fundamentals of the faith. We believe the Bible absolutely, having confidence that in the very words of Scripture, God teaches us what we are to believe and what duties God requires of us. We believe that God inspired every word of Scripture and that He has providentially and miraculously kept every word, so that we can know exactly what God originally said. We believe that we should have no fellowship with "the unfruitful works of darkness," and we practice separation from those church groups who openly compromise with the world. We believe that we must "walk as children of light," and therefore we openly urge holy living in our entertainment, in our music, in our dress and in our everyday life.
Above all else, we desire to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At Berean Baptist Church, you will find...
A Church that Loves the Word
Preaching takes precedence at Berean Baptist Church. We believe that every message should first be faithful. We believe that each message should communicate God's message to man in the passage being preached. Although we leave room for a variety of styles, the messages at Berean will generally strive to expound the plain meaning of the text and apply it faithfully to the hearer. We believe that passion and fire should accompany sound Biblical preaching. God's preachers should thunder the Word.
A Church that Worships the Lord
We have no desire to entertain the audience, nor will you see or hear a thinly veiled attempt to mimic the world in our worship. When we gather in God's House, we strive to exalt our Savior and King. Too often, men attempt to please themselves in worship. We believe that true worship seeks to give God what He wants, not what we want. Central to our worship is the preaching of God's Word. We also worship the Lord in singing and special music, in the receiving of tithes and offerings and in the ministries and service we do for others.
A Church that Seeks the Lost
In all our ministries, we strive to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have several ministries that especially focus on this task, including our bus ministry and our nursing home ministry. We regularly canvass neighborhoods, inviting guests to church and seeking opportunities to evangelize the lost.
A Church that Stands for Truth
Too many churches cater to the world and the whims of the flesh. Berean Baptist Church remains committed to the fundamentals of the faith. We believe the Bible absolutely, having confidence that in the very words of Scripture, God teaches us what we are to believe and what duties God requires of us. We believe that God inspired every word of Scripture and that He has providentially and miraculously kept every word, so that we can know exactly what God originally said. We believe that we should have no fellowship with "the unfruitful works of darkness," and we practice separation from those church groups who openly compromise with the world. We believe that we must "walk as children of light," and therefore we openly urge holy living in our entertainment, in our music, in our dress and in our everyday life.
A Church that Supports Missions
We believe that God has ordained the local church to preach the gospel to every creature and to fulfill the Great Commission. The most important mission we have is our own local community. But we believe that we should reach beyond our own city to the "regions beyond." Through "Faith Promise" missions, we financially support missionaries all over the world, from Paupau, New Guinea to Chicago, Illinois to Zambia, Africa.
We believe that God has ordained the local church to preach the gospel to every creature and to fulfill the Great Commission. The most important mission we have is our own local community. But we believe that we should reach beyond our own city to the "regions beyond." Through "Faith Promise" missions, we financially support missionaries all over the world, from Paupau, New Guinea to Chicago, Illinois to Zambia, Africa.
A Church that Builds Homes and Families
In addition to the "Senior Saints" who grace our church, we have more than a few young and growing families. We take seriously our responsibility to raise our children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," and we believe God's promise that if we "train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it." With this in mind, we regularly teach and preach on the home and family, including the duties of parents, of children, of husbands, of wives, of grandparents, of brothers and sisters.
A Church that Holds True to Baptist Distinctives
We hold to the historic "Baptist Distinctives," including (but not limited to) believer's baptism by immersion, church membership for the saved only, and the Lord's Supper for members in good standing of our own church. We also occasionally welcome members of other churches to our Table, so long as they are active members in good standing within a church of like faith and practice with ours.
A Church that Defends the Faith (2 Timothy 2:24-26)
Living in Utah provides us with many opportunities to defend the faith against unbelieving attacks. We strive to do so in the spirit of meekness as God's Word commands. But we also strive to do so rigorously, with a humble boldness and reliance upon the Word of God in every apologetic encounter. We strive to defend the faith manfully, earnestly contending for the faith. We strive to defend the faith faithfully, not ever apologizing for the "less than palatable" parts of Scripture. We strive to be "always ready to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that lieth within us." In the future, we will provide material and information that directly addresses Mormon attacks on our faith. If you would like to watch a 25 minute gospel presentation that plainly presents the gospel of "grace alone" and is particularly designed for our LDS neighbors, please visit www.WillGodForgiveMe.org.
In addition to the "Senior Saints" who grace our church, we have more than a few young and growing families. We take seriously our responsibility to raise our children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," and we believe God's promise that if we "train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it." With this in mind, we regularly teach and preach on the home and family, including the duties of parents, of children, of husbands, of wives, of grandparents, of brothers and sisters.
A Church that Holds True to Baptist Distinctives
We hold to the historic "Baptist Distinctives," including (but not limited to) believer's baptism by immersion, church membership for the saved only, and the Lord's Supper for members in good standing of our own church. We also occasionally welcome members of other churches to our Table, so long as they are active members in good standing within a church of like faith and practice with ours.
A Church that Defends the Faith (2 Timothy 2:24-26)
Living in Utah provides us with many opportunities to defend the faith against unbelieving attacks. We strive to do so in the spirit of meekness as God's Word commands. But we also strive to do so rigorously, with a humble boldness and reliance upon the Word of God in every apologetic encounter. We strive to defend the faith manfully, earnestly contending for the faith. We strive to defend the faith faithfully, not ever apologizing for the "less than palatable" parts of Scripture. We strive to be "always ready to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that lieth within us." In the future, we will provide material and information that directly addresses Mormon attacks on our faith. If you would like to watch a 25 minute gospel presentation that plainly presents the gospel of "grace alone" and is particularly designed for our LDS neighbors, please visit www.WillGodForgiveMe.org.