Our adult Sunday School classes strive to provide clear teaching from God's Word, usually examining a particular book of the Bible "in depth." As with all of our teaching and preaching, we strive to be faithful, to give the clear sense of the passage, and to apply it to life.
An important part of our ministry to adults includes a ministry to the unmarried adults in our church. We strive to help those who desire to be married by encouraging them in this desire, by praying for them, by providing them with Biblical counsel and guidance, and by offering support. We believe that marriage is one of God's richest blessings, and we desire to help each of our unmarried members to find God's will in this matter.
Young people must be taught the clear commandments of God's Word. The Bible says in II Timothy 2:2, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
The purpose of the local church youth ministry is to help equip families with the necessary tools from God's Word to lay the right foundation for the rest of life. It is not our task to take the place of parents by keeping young people active while separated from home and family. We must work to help entire families serve the Lord together.
Godly laymen in our church spend time teaching our young people in Sunday School. Occassionally, we have fun activities for youth. More often, we have opportunities for our young people to serve the church by helping around our buildings, by passing out tracts and joining in our evangelistic efforts, and by serving in the various ministries of our church.
Children are a gift from God. They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God, which involves the surrender of the parents' will to the will of God.
On Sunday mornings, our church makes a special effort to reach the hearts of children through faithful teaching and preaching of God's Word. In our Sunday School classes, children are taught by godly and faithful Christian adults who exemplify a Christ-like spirit in the classroom and who strive to pass on their love for God's Word. During our morning services, we conduct a children's church service where children receive yet more instruction in the things of God.
Our adult Sunday School classes strive to provide clear teaching from God's Word, usually examining a particular book of the Bible "in depth." As with all of our teaching and preaching, we strive to be faithful, to give the clear sense of the passage, and to apply it to life.
An important part of our ministry to adults includes a ministry to the unmarried adults in our church. We strive to help those who desire to be married by encouraging them in this desire, by praying for them, by providing them with Biblical counsel and guidance, and by offering support. We believe that marriage is one of God's richest blessings, and we desire to help each of our unmarried members to find God's will in this matter.
Young people must be taught the clear commandments of God's Word. The Bible says in II Timothy 2:2, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
The purpose of the local church youth ministry is to help equip families with the necessary tools from God's Word to lay the right foundation for the rest of life. It is not our task to take the place of parents by keeping young people active while separated from home and family. We must work to help entire families serve the Lord together.
Godly laymen in our church spend time teaching our young people in Sunday School. Occassionally, we have fun activities for youth. More often, we have opportunities for our young people to serve the church by helping around our buildings, by passing out tracts and joining in our evangelistic efforts, and by serving in the various ministries of our church.
Children are a gift from God. They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God, which involves the surrender of the parents' will to the will of God.
On Sunday mornings, our church makes a special effort to reach the hearts of children through faithful teaching and preaching of God's Word. In our Sunday School classes, children are taught by godly and faithful Christian adults who exemplify a Christ-like spirit in the classroom and who strive to pass on their love for God's Word. During our morning services, we conduct a children's church service where children receive yet more instruction in the things of God.